3 Stage Polish System Bundle
Our three stage polish systme bundle. It contains a compound paste, a polish paste and a special Carnauba Wax. Plus, it includes a washable soft microfiber towel which works perfectly for the use with these products.
Step by step
Step 1: Sanding
Once the clear coat is properly cured, make a step fine wet sanding (from #6000 to #12000), until all the surface is matt.
If you see any orange peel in the clear coat before starting the process, start with #3000 grit.
Step 2: Compound
When the entire surface is matted, spread a thin layer of Compound #1 polish with a soft microfiber cloth and let it dry until it no longer looks wet.
With a finger wrapped in the microfiber cloth, rub the surface of the model until all of the spread Compound is removed..
Repeat if you consider it necessary

Step 3: Polish
After the Compound stage, spread Polish #2 over the surface and, again, let it dry until it no longer looks wet.
Similarly, rub the surface with the microfiber cloth, wrapping it around your finger until the polish is removed from the surface..
Examine the result and repeat if you see it necessary.
Step 4: Wax
For that show finish, you can finish the polish with our Carnauba wax. Using a clean cloth, spread a little wax over the entire surface of the model.
Let it sit for a few minutes and, with another clean area of the cloth, remove the excess wax.
You will see before you how the colors of your model stand out.
If you prefer, with our polishing system, you can also use a rotary tool, at low revolutions, with a polishing wheel